Thursday, October 27, 2011

What's Cookin' ???

So who doesn't love the smell of fresh out of the oven, homemade cookies??? Oh the memories...thinking back to walking into the kitchen after my mom had been baking all day for the family to come over for Christmas.  Or back to 9th grade with my BFFL's (best friends for life) Julie and Kara and the countless nights we spent baking away! :)  Baking with Brookie is truly a way to pass on one of my favorite hobbies to my own daughter.  I will never forget the first time I made french toast with my mom and how much fun we had together.  And I know that baking cookies with Julie and Kara meant just as much to them as it did to me because Julie and I are still avid bakers and Kara loves to cook!  So here's to another great session of Brookie's Cookies! Mmm, mmm, good :)

Soooooo...clearly baking in the 80's required the use of an entire can of hairspray and some awesome bang teasing! Julie, Kara, and I loved to dress up with wild hair and crazy makeup before we baked.  All I have to say is did we rock those aprons or what!??!?!?!?!

1 comment:

  1. I love the pictures of Brookie! She looks so grown up! And the flashback photo of you three...CLASSIC! The blog looks great...keep the posts coming!!!

