Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Winter Day Photo Shoot with a Beautiful Girl!

Despite the 44 degree weather we had on this shoot, this girl was a trooper!  It is so much fun photographing people who love to be photographed!  Another natural in front of my camera.  She was so much fun and just so beautiful, I can't wait to do her senior pictures!

 And she looks like Taylor Swift!

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Happy Halloween! | Redlands Photographer

Candy candy and more candy!  The sights and smell of the colorful packaged chocolates is what I love about Halloween.  Oh...and of course the pumpkins, and the costumes, the trick or treating and the Carnivals!  It's my favorite time of year because the weather is changing and Christmas is right around the corner.  Only 55 days until Christmas to be exact!  This year the kids wanted to try something different.  For some reason they didn't want to stay in our neighborhood so we took them to one of the busiest parts of Redlands.  They found out that when you go to the busy areas, you mostly get suckers and hard candies.  Dylan was bummed out that he wasn't getting chocolate.  So, after about an hour of crowded streets and suckers, we came back to the comforts of our own neighborhood.  The first house they went to, they came running down the long walkway with smiles.  Chocolate!  And 2 pieces each!  The next house...KING size candy bars!!  In all fairness, it was people we knew and they had "special" candy bars for kids they knew.  :)  Pretty much every house thereafter was all chocolate!  Needless to say, we will be staying in our own area next year.  :)

With every year that rolls by, of course the kids are getting older and the costumes are getting older, too.  Dyl, who I don't really have pictures of because he was eating dinner (for the second time) right up until the very last minute.  We finally left the house at 6:30!  Brookie, on the other hand, we spent about 30 -40 minutes getting her ready.  Then I took her outside for pictures.  She just looks so grown up to me.  I can't believe she is almost 9!  She still enjoys getting her picture taken, and hopefully always will!

This year she wanted to paint her pumpkin!  I loved the idea!  I think we've stumbled upon a new tradition!


Sunday, October 30, 2011

Coming Soon...

WOW!  Life has just been crazy lately...good crazy though :)  I've been shooting beautiful weddings and I can't wait to get some of the latest pics up here on the blog!  The weddings have been fabulous...and for those of you who know me, I love all things sentimental...so I have been known to shed a tear (or two) at some of these weddings!  But what can I say? It has been truly awesome getting to know these couples and being invited to be a part of their special journey :)  Anyways...pictures will be up soon!

Also, I have been busy with maternity shoots and senior portraits and I can't wait to get some those pictures up as well.  Lovin' those sassy seniors!  They are just so much fun!

Stay tuned...
And you can now subscribe to the blog on the right-hand side if you would like to receive an email when new posts go up!


Sassy Senior! | Redlands Photographer

Senior year of high school...what an exciting time! Planning for the future, looking forward to what's to come.  Spending every minute you can with lifelong friends, knowing that in a year you will be off on your own, starting your life and making new friends.  Making important decisions about colleges and careers.  So many unknowns and so much excitement as you venture out into the world.  Enjoying the "lasts" as you prepare to leave the school you've attended for the past four years...last football game, Homecoming, parties and Prom...senior ditch day, senior pranks, and yearbooks.  So many unforgettable moments and memories that you wish you could capture and hold onto forever.  

Senior portraits are always such a blast!  We spent the day up in Oak Glen and this sassy senior came with so much energy and charisma.  Let me tell you...this girl's a natural!  Not only does she look like Kim Kardashian, but she could easily be a model for Seventeen magazine!

And boy did she rock those boots!

So much fun with her today up in Oak Glen!

Thursday, October 27, 2011

What's Cookin' ???

So who doesn't love the smell of fresh out of the oven, homemade cookies??? Oh the memories...thinking back to walking into the kitchen after my mom had been baking all day for the family to come over for Christmas.  Or back to 9th grade with my BFFL's (best friends for life) Julie and Kara and the countless nights we spent baking away! :)  Baking with Brookie is truly a way to pass on one of my favorite hobbies to my own daughter.  I will never forget the first time I made french toast with my mom and how much fun we had together.  And I know that baking cookies with Julie and Kara meant just as much to them as it did to me because Julie and I are still avid bakers and Kara loves to cook!  So here's to another great session of Brookie's Cookies! Mmm, mmm, good :)

Soooooo...clearly baking in the 80's required the use of an entire can of hairspray and some awesome bang teasing! Julie, Kara, and I loved to dress up with wild hair and crazy makeup before we baked.  All I have to say is did we rock those aprons or what!??!?!?!?!


Friday, August 26, 2011

I'm starting a BLOG!

So I'm gonna do it! I'm starting a Blogspot! This seems to be a great way for people to stay connected with me, see some of my latest pics, ask questions, etc. I will do my best in keeping up with the Blog, but you can also find me on facebook and my website www.photographybystephany.com. Any helpful tips about blogging is appreciated. (Notice I said HELPFUL). :)