Sunday, September 21, 2014

On The Sidelines! | REV Football

There is just something about those Friday night football games.  The crisp night air, the kids in the stands cheering on their team, the ever-so proud parents cheering on their sons, the cheerleaders, the band, the taunting smells coming from the snack bar, and of course…the football players.  Playing their hearts out knowing that these are the nights where they shine!  Knowing that everyone in those stands are rooting for them, cheering them on, taking the time to come and watch them play.  Do they know that for many of those people in the stands, those Friday nights in the fall are what they look forward to the most?  

I've been away from it for about 3 years now and last Friday night, stepping out on that field…. and raising that Canon to my eye….hearing that sound of my shutter click off 10 frames per second…it was good to be back!  I truly have missed it.  I miss being down there watching these kids, these young men, playing their hearts out.  Hearing the crack of their helmets hit as they tackle, or hearing them stomping by as they run past me to make that touch down, then looking into the stands as everyone jumps up cheering them on!  It may not be for everyone, but it's definitely for me!  :)  I look forward to more Friday Night Lights on the sidelines, watching some truly amazing kids!

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